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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bad Monday Morning

Well this was not a typical Monday for me. Woke up with N/V (maybe it was sympathy pains for Ashley- morning sickness) but usually it resolves with food. NOT happening this day. Went on to work anyway hoping it would get better. NOT. Then that dreaded overhead page of "Colquitt Regional would like to welcome Joint Commission Surveyors to our facility" yeeekkks not today, please tell me this is another Mock Survey. NOT, it is the real deal. Of all days. I have not had a day like this is over 3 yrs but they pick today to show up on our doorsteps. I made it all the way up to 12:30 and just had to finally give it up and go home. The rest of my day was spent between the bed and the bathroom with dh standing over me saying "you ready to go to the ER now or not?". Just let me die in peace please.
Well I woke up this morning and no nausea, YEH!. But the surveyors needed something Monday that only I had. So I arrived at work at 5:30am instead of 8am as usual which also meant no stamping for me again today. I need my ink to rubber fix. Maybe tomorrow.

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